A Prayer to Embrace
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I woke up this morning
With a prayer on my lips
“O Mother Sai
That walks on this earth
With truth in Your every word
And love in Your breath…
I ask you dear Mother
How do I spend
The moments that are left
Without seeing
The magic in Your smile
And the promise of Your strength?
Who do I ask…
Who do I tell…
How shall life be ahead, My Sai
Without You being beside myself?”
And as the tear
Dropped from my eye
There was a voice
That spoke from within…
The voice of Sai…
It filled my heart
It shook my soul
And I took Her word Divine
And offered it to You whole…
She said,
“O Child
That cries
To be by My side
I have held you
In My arms…
So close…
And I shall hold you
All your life…
Hear My child
Listen carefully
For your soul speaks
It echoes My truth
It shines with My love
And if you were to follow
This path Divine
It shall bring you
Instant peace…
Do not fear
For in the moments that come
I shall still walk with you
And you shall see
That whenever you shall smile
And be brave and courageous
I shall smile beside you
And set you free…
You can still ask Me O Child
And I shall answer
You can still tell Me, My dears
And I shall transfer to you
The word of truth
That shall make you
Do the right
At the right moment
Nothing has changed
Why do you cry?
I still am
And shall always be
I can always see you
And with your love
You shall always
See Me…
Do you know
That I came
On this earth for you…
Do you know
I have left My footprints
In all the waters…and the ground…
In all the sand…and in all the snow
And you shall walk
Upon them, My dear
For within each of My footprints
I have left within
The secret of truth
You have yet to taste…
You have yet to know…
Do not worry
Or doubt My presence
I can do all for you
As long as you
Stay close to My lessons…
There is no difference
From then…and…now…
Then…when I was there
In body and form
You only thought…
You followed Me…
Now that I am
In the fires of consciousness…Supreme…
Within…and around you…
Above and below you…
You shall follow
While you are within
The brilliant fires
Of the Spirit Universal…
For I am the spirit
That contains the spirit of all
And while it appears
That this universe moves
In reality
It is still within Me…
Remember My love
For you always
And whatever you need
Shall come before you…
Carry My truth
Within you always
And there is nothing ever
That can weaken you…
There is nothing
That comes in life
To live forever
All that comes
Must go one day
Even when the Lord
Takes a body
The rule He makes
Is the rule He obeys!
I have not left you
Nor ever will I
I watch over you
And protect you moment to moment
Have faith in that
And return to strength
There is no more to cry
And no more to lament…
The last…for now
I shall leave you with
Sai is not the body
That came…
Sai is not the body that left…
Sai is
The eternal Mother
That once when gives Her word
Of protection and love
To Her children
Shall keep it
Until Her word
Shall shower its grace
And give Her child
The long Eternal Rest…
It is a new day
For you today
Wipe your tear…from now…
O Child of Sai
For She has heard
The silent sobs
That you have cried…
Bring the smile back
On your face
For She has come
In this test of time
To give to you
Her love Divine…
You must fight
The battle of fear
That makes you weep…
That makes you tear…
And whenever
Your heart shall shake
You shall lift yourself
With this prayer
And turn the hands of time
Toward the miracle
Of faith!